Help Me, Mr. Grafton!

Got a question for Mr. Grafton? Just click on the comments below to ask him.

Or, you can help a classmate out. If you see a question regarding assignments or homework, and you feel qualified to answer it, please do.


deucemoore said...

Hi Mr.G,

I was looking for some monologues on the comnputer, and i found an Alica in Wonderland one in a website called I was wondering if that would work for the Marina character in Silverwing. I'll print off a couple to see if any others work, but i was wondering what you thought!

Maddy Moore

Deb said...

how do u book a time to audition. Or do we just go in and audition?? (for silverwing)

Mr. Grafton said...

Sounds like you might have found a good monologue, Maddy! I think that would make a great audition piece.

If you want to sign up for an audition time, you'll need to go to the office and get your name on the list. Picke a time slot and be there on your day.

Mr. Grafton said...

I also have some other script sources on my Drama blog. Go to Got Grafton? and click on the Drama link, or head to

Maddy Moore said...

Thanks Mr.Grafton. I also found some more on that website. The Wizard Of Oz is a good one. A Finding Nemo one and an Anne Of Green Gables one. Which one would you advise for Marina?? I still don't know who I want to try out for, but I am thinking abiut Marina!!

Maddy Moore

cj said...

what is the spelling words for next week

Maddy Moore said...

Hi Mr. Grafton,

I was wondering if you could put the Classmarker 16-18 chapter quiz onto Classmarker, because it will be due on Tuesday, and I need to do it so that I won't have to stay inside for recess, or get yelled and screamed at!!

Maddy Moore
(on Debbie's computer)

Nathan said...

How can we sign up for making the props for the Silverwing Play?

Jillian said...

Hi Mr. G

Do you have to do the challenge on activity 3?

Nathan said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Deb said...

do we have 2 do the challenge on act. 4??

Catriona said...

Mr. Grafton
on my computer 16-18 isn't on Classmarker so I don't know what i should do about it?

Nathan said...

Hi Mr.Grafton

My computer doesn't show the chapters 16-18 questions either for Silverwing. What should i do about it

NikkiChicki said...

Hi Mr.Grafton,
The chapter 16-18 quiz, is not on my computer, so what should I do? One more question, what are the spelling words for next week?

Maddy Lea Moore said...

Mr. Grafton,

Lie Nicole, Nathaniel and Catriona, the chapters 16-18 quiz for Silverwing DOES NOT show up on my computer, or account. I have checked like 7 times since friday to do the quiz, but it isn't there. What should I do?!?!

Maddy M

Deb said...

the chapter 16-18 quiz doesn't show on my com. what should i do!!

Nathan said...


Do we have to do the challenge on activity 10?

~Cole~ said...

What is the challenge on Act 10

josh said...

hi class and mr. grafon,
I was wondering what the spelling words are for thursday, march 25.

guppy said...

hey mr. grafton,
do we have to know our lines word for word or can we change them to fit our liking.

The Guppster

The Maddster said...

Oh my goodness, Josh! The guppster!! That is gonna stick in my head for a while!! LOL!!

The Maddster!! (owww, what now!!)

Deb said...

Does anyone know the difference between a rhombus and parallelogram???

kaden said...

how much does it cost for the fild trip

Anonymous said...

I dont really need any help, but I was just wondering if anyone filmed the Silverwing play? If so, would the actors and actesses get a copy? Would you put it on your blog?

Anonymous said...

Hey Mr.Grafton,

I can't go on to the virtual social thing because I have to have the adobe player thing, but I don't have that and we have to buy it. So...?.... What do I do?

Nicole :D

Ashleigh said...

mr. Grafton,
For the virtual tour thing it isn;t working. I click on it but nothing loads or comes up. What should I do?

Conner said...

Mr. G,

i found out what the "magic spot" is, can in tell you tomorrow morning?

the man said...

I am the man!

Maddy said...

Hey Mr. Grafton,

I was wondering how to create those classmarker quizzes about my my book.

Maddy Thompson

Anonymous said...


Cole said...

Hi Mr.G
Have you told your NEW class any stories about me yet. Are we still your favourite class.

Anonymous said...

Hi Mr.G,

i was wondering if you could post the 2010 grade six campout packing list. i dont know where to get it

Shaniah said...

Mr. Grafton for the spelling test this week do we need to know what the words mean?? And the BMV is Matthew 5:1-4 right, anyway i might not be back on until tomorrow so if im not on i will just ask you tomorrow. :)

Anonymous said...

Mr. Grafton! what do we do on lost in the valley again. i forgot. and i'm trying to finish my creative journal writing to organize it but i accidentally threw it away! because it might of been crumpled and i threw it away while cleaning ma desk!

Katrina said...

Mr.Grafton, when is the drama forms due? i might join drama also band. I'm just wondering when its due so that i might be able to sign up.

Anonymous said...

I was wondering where you could find pictures for the Crack a Book. Spread the Word. Columbia, to show to other people???????

Anonymous said...

Could I please get another application form to join drama club tomorrow please Thanks Natalie

Shaniah said...

I was wondering if anyone knows where the meanings in the social txt book for Representation, Equality rights, Freedoms, and Justice??

Rachel.G :) said...

Hi Mr. Grafton,
I was wondering if I could use the voices in democracy chapters 1, 2 & 3 study guide for tomorrows chapter 1 - 6 test?

Katrina said...

hi Mr.G,

How do you get to the videos of silverwing again? Because i have my silverwing final project and i need to find out how the bats look like.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Grafton, I need help on the social question regarding fairness in Athenian democracy using the 6 points from the class discussion. What are the 6 points because I don't remember them. Jackson

Anonymous said...

Don't worry Jackson. Although we didn't discuss it in class, we did read about fairness. Look for the headline Was Fairness a Part of Athenian Democracy? in the textbook and read over it for the test.

Mr. G.

Anonymous said...

R u gonna add anything to this site

Jackson said...

Hi Mr.G i can't seem to find the social chapter questions and i need the page numbers where itstarts and ends

jackson said...

Hi Mr.G Is the Mystery due tomorrow because it wasnt on the board

jackson said...

do we do the movie screen play on our home book or tuck everlasting

Anonymous said...

Either one could work. It's up to you.

Mr. G